We Need a Larger, Modern Church
To minister to the enormous congregation of faithful, we need a modern church building. The total cost of constructing this church will be 2,500,000,000 Tanzania shillings. We are appealing to you to help us realize this noble project.
St. Jude's Main Campus
St. Jude Catholic parish’s main campus is located on 10 acres in Mto Wa Mbu and serves the parish community, parish school, Little Sisters of St. Joseph convent, Mother Oda’s Vocational School, the Health Center, rectory, and the greenhouses, gardens, water tanks, and out-buildings to support these endeavors.

Our Faithful Gather Weekly
There are 32 small Christian communities at our main parish campus. Our faithful meet weekly to pray and arrange other parish obligations.
We need a larger building to accommodate our 30,000 baptized faithful.

Our new building in progress.
Parish of St. Jude Commitments
Every Thursday, St. Jude's pastoral staff perform home visits to deliver the Eucharist, anoint the sick, provide counseling, and offer reconciliation.
The Parish Committee meets once a month with a leader from every outstation community attending. These parish community leaders meet to share, discuss, and learn about the needs of all the outstation communities. Attending this meeting is a very difficult task because of the lack of transportation and the distance to travel.
Additionally, each outstation receives a priest-led mass once a month.

Serving Our Outstations
In addition to our main parish campus, we have 11 mass center outstations spread across the region, namely, Engaruka, Selela, Mongere, Esilalei, Mswakini, Oltukai, Makuyuni, Engurash, Emilili and Oldoroko. We have 12 catechists who assist the pastoral staff in these mass centers especially in catechizing all the children who are to receive the sacraments of Baptism, Eucharist and Confirmation.
Our parish community is very active in several devotions, meeting weekly for prayers. The devotions are:
- The most sacred Heart of Jesus
- St. Alois
- Charismatic Movement
- WAWATA (Catholic Women Association)
- UWAKA (Catholic Men Association)
- Pontifical Missionary Children
- Altar Servers